A mobile app concept using gamification to help track actions that create habits and promote a sustainable lifestyle.

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This project is completed during the 24-hour Hackathon Eduhacks 2023 and won top 10 most innovative products. Friday is a AI and LLM powered application that helps users organize tasks and inboxes easier.

Project goals

  • Conceptualize a web app that helps users manage inboxes and tasks.
  • Present and live demonstrate the final prototype.

Team & Role

Xuan Bui - project lead, UX designer
Amelia Nguyen - content designer
Ngan Nguyen - developer
Phuc Nguyen - developer


24 hours
Jan 5 - Jan 6, 2024


How might we utilize AI to help workers catch up and prioritize their tasks more efficiently and less time-consuming?


User research

Due to the time constraint, our team didn't have a chance to do in-depth user research. We conducted a simple user interview with a total of 8 mentors and hackathon participants.

of users spend an average of 2 hours per workday managing emails and organizing tasks

of users felt stressed and overwhelmed by the constant email flow

of users noted that time spent on email management negatively impacted their focus on important tasks.

Competitive analysis



Henry, the UX Designer

  • 2 years at a big tech company
  • Lead UX Designer on a design project soon to be handed off
  • Buddy Mentor for a newly onboarded team intern


  • Overwhelmed with emails and missing important messages
  • Doesn't have enough time to organize tasks and struggles to stay on top of work
  • Stressed and anxious, affecting work quality and well-being

Affinity diagram

After defining our problem, my team and I came up with 3 design directions using the affinity diagram: task organization and progress tracking, highlighting and prioritizing, and summarization and context.

Task flow

This flow demonstrates users who first enter the app. AI will automatically scan their inboxes and update daily tasks.

This flow demonstrates users who want to view the full task list. When they click on a task, it shows the emails involve in the task so users can get context about the task. Ai will generate templates if users want to response to the emails.

IA diagram


Due to time constraints, I decided to focus on the main screens and features of the app, including the dashboard, how tasks display, and the inbox.


Mid-fi prototype + test

Task tracker gives users a visualization of how their progress

Users get confused by the percentage displayed on the tracker

Repetitive tasks overwhelmed users when looking at the dashboard

Current tasks and upcoming tasks are repetitive

The number of tasks displayed on screen overwhelmed users

The AI assistant button/icon is confusing and is placed at a strange position

Final prototype

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